I know, I know. I haven't been here in a while. When it comes to the end of September, I just go into a funk. My husband passed away the day after my 40th birthday, sixteen years ago. Ten years later, on the eve of my 50th birthday, his brother passed away. Almost ten years to the day. Some years I just don't get out of bed. And this year, more drama. It seems that my daughter's in laws are planning a baby shower for her. Very nice. The problem is it is already the middle of October. When are they planning to have this party? And when are they going to tell me? I took it upon myself to e mail Ally's sister in law and was informed that they were planning for Thanksgiving weekend. When were they going to let me know? I have to make airline reservations. Don't they know how expensive it is to fly during the holiday? Well, turns out that I can't afford to go up for the shower and for when she gives birth. I had to prioritize. Going up for when she has the baby is more important to me than being there for a party. I know she is upset, but there is nothing I can do about it. She'll get over it. The party is six weeks away and they haven't even sent out invitations. I hope Ally isn't too upset when she looks out over the party goers and doesn't see any of her family there. Half our family lives down here in Florida and the other half lives in NY (Brooklyn). The problem is the holiday weekend. We here in Florida can't afford to pay close to $1,000 for a round trip ticket to go to NY for a party over the Thanksgiving weekend and the NY family have family of their own coming in and they can't attend. It just comes down to the fact that since I live here in Florida and they are all up in NY, they don't even think about asking me, and I feel they don't even think about me. I'm hurt, but I won't bother Ally with this now. I'll wait until she has the baby and then I will unload on her. Because she is not innocent in all of this either. Sorry, don't mean to vent, but this is the only place that I can. On to some quilty things.
I am turning into a swapping queen. I've joined a Round Robin group; a batik strip swap; a star block swap; a Maker's Choice swap; a monthly swap of either fat quarters or blocks, and of course, the Christmas Swap. I've finished piecing the Christmas swap and I actually have it sandwiched, awaiting to be quilted. I can do the quilting, I just can't do the binding. I'm going to have to go up to my LQS and have her show me how to do the mitered corners. I've received my first round of the Round Robin and I've pieced on the border to that one and it's waiting to be mailed for the next round. The block above is my test block for the Galaxy of Stars quilt block swap. I'm doing 5 friendship stars with a square in a square center and an eight pointed star with a different color in the center than the star tips. I'll post a photo of that when I do it later.
I'm getting off now as the thunder is really getting bad. I'll be back later on. Renée