Here is what it now looks like. The scraps are in these plastic bins, all with labels. They are now separated by color. I haven't gotten around to cutting them up like Bonnie of Quiltville does, let's just say that for me doing it this way was just the beginning. But not only did I do the scraps, I have finally sorted my fabric into their own color friendly bins too. So now I have nine (9) bins of fabric. Didn't realize that I had so much, although for some this is just a kick in the bucket. When I get my eight boxes of fabric out of storage, then I will have more. I'm going to do that this week, as I can't wait to see all the fabric that I have forgotten about since they have been in storage so long. I have boxes of books too, but I think they can stay there for now. You know the old saying, if you haven't used or needed it for six months, throw it out. Well, I have a really big problem throwing out books. To me books are sacred, so the quilting books can stay in storage until I can find a home for them.
Monday, March 31, 2008
My Scrap Stash
Here is what it now looks like. The scraps are in these plastic bins, all with labels. They are now separated by color. I haven't gotten around to cutting them up like Bonnie of Quiltville does, let's just say that for me doing it this way was just the beginning. But not only did I do the scraps, I have finally sorted my fabric into their own color friendly bins too. So now I have nine (9) bins of fabric. Didn't realize that I had so much, although for some this is just a kick in the bucket. When I get my eight boxes of fabric out of storage, then I will have more. I'm going to do that this week, as I can't wait to see all the fabric that I have forgotten about since they have been in storage so long. I have boxes of books too, but I think they can stay there for now. You know the old saying, if you haven't used or needed it for six months, throw it out. Well, I have a really big problem throwing out books. To me books are sacred, so the quilting books can stay in storage until I can find a home for them.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Pink Grapefruit Crush
Finally came up with a name for this quilt. Pink Grapefruit Crush. The pink and the orange are the grapefruit, the brown is the tree and the greens are the leaves. It was one of those ta da moments, better than a senior one I guess. Anyway, what "they" say about the third time being the charm must be true. I just changed out the pink fabric with another mystery that I am doing and this is okay for me. Can't wait to get started. Going to cut up my neutral now so that I will be ready on Tuesday when I get back from dropping the kids at the airport. Can't wait to get back into my bed. And the bathtub is calling my name, really loud. I can hear it from here. Keep the piece.
Change in plans
Well, it seems like the bbq is off. My nephew has a really bad sinus infection and since he is the one who mans the bbq.....Anyway, the weather is crummy, very cloudy and it has already rained. So the kids have gone to get something to eat and then they are going to visit friends of theirs and then come back here. We still don't know what is going on for dinner later, but since they are eating now, I don't think they are going to be ready for food in another couple of hours. So, hopefully, they will be ready to go out for sushi at around 7 and then we can all go and leave the rest behind. Keep the fingers crossed. Keep the piece.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Ally and Alex are here. Of course, we stopped to get something to eat and then we came home. Now they have gone out again to do some running around and then they are going to the Hard Rock to celebrate Alex's birthday. Ally brought her Tom Tom with her so that they can get around without asking me how to get anywhere. Ally brought a present for me: a Webkinz Koala. I've adopted him and named him Dusterdoo. That's him up there on top. I love koalas and hope to go to Australia one day and meet one. Tomorrow we go to my nephew's house for a good old fashioned family bar b que and Monday is the Met/Marlin game and then Tuesday they go home. Don't know how my back is going to feel after spending three nights on the sofa. Tuesday night is soaking in the tub night with a glass of wine. That's all for now, keep the piece.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Change of Color for Orange Crush
Well, since I have cleaned up the den and gone through all my fabric, I have found that I have enough to change out the red for orange in my original fabric choice. So now I can say that I am doing a real orange crush as I will have orange in it. All the other colors remain the same, I just exchanged orange for red. So where Bonnie says orange, I will be doing pink. Maybe not a real orange crush then, maybe pink orange crush, like pink lemonade. Still cleaning up, just have to put the blues and the blacks away in their respective bins and I'll be done. What fun I have had with all this fabric. Next week I am going to go to PODS and take out my eight boxes of fabric that I have had in storage for six years and then wash it all and then have a fabric party. Can't wait. Keep the piece.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Keep forgetting
I know its been a long time since I've posted. I keep forgetting about this. I'm really new to this blogging stuff and I really must try to remind myself to post.
I'm almost finished with CC#1. I need to cut the borders and sew them on and then take the quilt to the LA. I've finished three baby quilts in the meantime and took them to be quilted, but my LA has just had surgery, so I will try again next week. All are gifts. I've also started a Quilt of Valor mystery quilt. This one is almost done and then the new Orange Crush Mystery Quilt from Quiltville will be starting. Picked my fabrics for that one and hopefully they will look good together. I've also decided to do a sampler quilt with most of my fabrics. I must say, not too bad. It is mostly pink, purple and green with the backgrounds of white, cream and neutral. I'm doing 12" blocks, so I don't know how big this will be. I found a site that has block patterns and I'm going down the list in alphabetical order, doing just the two color blocks. I'm almost done with the B's. This quilt will be for me as I've done all these other quilts and gave them away as gifts. I need to have one on my bed.
My daughter and her husband are coming down to Florida for a few days. They love the New York Mets and the Mets will be opening with the Marlins on Monday here in Florida, so they killed three birds and will be visiting family; going to the Met game and celebrating Alex's birthday. Can't wait to see them. Unfortunately, these trips are too quick and too few between. Don't know when I will see them next.
I've posted some pictures. One is a picture of my fabrics for the Orange Crush Mystery Quilt and the others are some of the blocks for my sampler quilt. Enjoy.
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Been busy
Been a while since I've been here. My grand nephew, photo above, was here to visit. The visit was way too short and now I know why my brother loves this boy so much. This is Asher, the aphabet quilt is his.
What has Renée been up to? Let's see. I finished a backing for a Baby Genius quilt. Now it needs to go to the Long Armer. I finished an All Boxed up quilt for the great grandson of the cleaning people. That's it on top of Asher. I've taken a little creative liberty with it as they wanted his name on it and some Miami Dolphins (yuck!!!!). This too needs to go to the Long Armer and they are in a bag with backing and batting waiting for me to take them. I still have to put the borders on my CC #1 and then that will be ready for the Long Armer too. I made another All Boxed Up quilt for my niece. This one needs the borders too and that one will be ready for the quilter. I really need to learn how to machine quilt on my machine. I think I'm going to go up to my LQS and ask if anyone there will give me some lessons. My LA told me about someone there, so I really think I ought to get my tush up there and check it out. I love my LA, but it is costing a fortune to have all these quilts quilted and I should really do it myself.
I bought the new X Block ruler. My next "new" quilt will be one of those. I also want to try a disappearing nine patch that everyone is talking about. And my other niece wants me to make her a Harley Davidson/Motorcycle quilt. We have some of the fabrics, but now that I have found a pattern that I think she will like, we have to get some fabric.
I have taken out one of my UFO's to finish for my cousin. They moved down here from St. Louis a few years ago and my Mom wants me to make a quilt for them. I'll have to see how this one comes out. If I don't like it, I'll just make them an All Boxed Up quilt as that quilt goes together really fast. I did two of them in one day. Okay, they were the smallest size, but still. The one above was the second.
Gonna run now. Want to finish up some stuff. Keep the piece.
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