So, I have become a Grandmother. Whoopee!!! My daughter gave birth on January 23rd to a beautiful little girl. That was Friday night. I arrived on my scheduled day of the 24th and spent a miserable 3 nights at my daughter's apartment. I must say, that being disrespected and treated with contempt is not my idea of a good time. That f*****g moron that she married is the most horrible person I have ever met. Her father is turning over in his grave because she married so beneath her. I have never been treated so badly in all my life. I thought I was going up to help with the baby, but every time I would have had time with her, she was brought downstairs to be with his mother (they live in a 2 family house). That baby was with his mother more time than she was with me and that woman lives there 24/7. Sorry to say, I will probably not have a good relationship with that girl because of her moronic parents. I think my daughter has forgotten everything that her father and I taught her. She just threw is all right out the window. I'm just so hurt and angry that I haven't even talked to her since Wednesday the 28th of January. I don't know if I can ever forgive her and I certainly will NEVER, EVER forgive him. He should just be glad that my Hungarian didn't come out and curse him, cause those curses come true. And if he doesn't at least attempt to apologize to me, that curse may still be placed upon his head. Sorry this is not quilty, but I just had to put my feelings down and this was just the tip of the iceberg. I'm one of those people that holds the anger in, but when it comes out, its like a volcano, it erupts. I don't think I have ever been this angry at anyone ever. I'm not going to say anything about him, because "they" say that if you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything, and I don't have anything nice to say about him. The sad thing, is my daughter doesn't see that he disrespects her family, especially me. Sad, sad, sad. Okay, on to the quilty things, they are much more enjoyable.
I have read all my group digests and on "Quiltvillechat" they were talking about a Bonnie pattern called "Jared Takes a Wife". So I looked into it and decided that I would like to make that quilt. Of course, I changed the colorway to suit me and the quilt is green, pink and white. The star points and the sashing are pink, the background is white and everything else is green. All different shades of green. The blocks are coming out real nice, if I do say so myself, haha. I'm also trying to finish up some of my UFO's. The problem with that is, I keep on getting the quilting magazines and I keep on pulling out patterns and then pulling fabric to make the patterns and I create more UFO's. I'm going to start to make some quilts for me as all the ones I've already made have been gifts for others. I think I need to take some time and create for me for a change. Anyway, that's it for now. Keep the piece. Renée