Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Organization Continued

I have downloaded Bonnie's "Scrap User's System" and after reading it have decided that I need to modify. I know that Bonnie said that any strip that is less than 12" she cuts up into squares, but I have so many of them that it would take me from now til never to cut them all up. I have been sewing strips that are as small as 3" to a larger (longer) strip for a very long time and I have not minded. Even though I might only get one subcut from it, it is one subcut that I didn't have before. So, yesterday I finished the yellow bin and now I have started the green bin. As I won't be able to do any more cutting until maybe Friday, I am going to try to get as much done today as I can. I have also decided to keep the neutral/white bin alone. There is way too much fabric strips in there for me to sort through. As I need it I can take it out and do with it what must be done. I will sift through and try to take out the squares and leave the strips in there. I have now taken it upon myself to rename the bins. They are now named as the square size and if I should need squares a particular size, I now can just stick my hand into the bin and grab. Whatever comes out is what I will use. Even though it will take a while to get this done, it will be so much better in the long run. As I get the strips done, I will do the same with them. Anyway, that's it for me for a while, unless I get on here at night. Have a great week and happy clue #2. Keep the piece.

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